About Us

We are an experienced, unbiased information source that provides clients with accurate information, reliable services and reasonable recommendations necessary to enable them to make prudent decisions concerning the investments they control.
We listen to the client’s needs and make recommendations based solely on their needs and objectives. We supervise each account on a continuing basis to assure that the client’s best interests are being served.

Managing Partners

Dr. Khairil Ismahafiz

Managing Partner

Rosman Abu Bakar

Managing Partner

Principal Consultants

Mr. Arnizzam Abdullah
  • Extensive experiences in Banking and Financing sectors.
  • Leads and coordinating Treasury division for Islamic Banks.
  • Formerly FI manager for Citibank.
  • Obtained degree in Accounting from University of Hull, United Kingdom.

Mr. Azlan Abdul Malik
  • Chartered Accountant under Malaysia Institute of Accountant since year 2000.
  • Experience in advocating continuous improvement in particularly of management information system process to the clients.
  • Advisory and auditing level on business development and financial analysis for clients since 2003.

Dr. Mohd Aminuddin Sham
  • Formerly Director in Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE).
  • Experience in facilitates and oversees trade offices in various countries worldwide.
  • Strong exposure in strategic leadership, International Marketing and Trade Promotions.
  • Vast exposure in developing strategic marketing plan and execution.